Review: Micro Business For Teens

Brendan recently created his first Android App, Jetpack Jeff so I thought that a review of Micro Business For Teens would be perfect for him as he tries to promote his new game and start his first business venture….and I was right!

What a blessing to be part of the Old Schoolhouse Review Crew and to have the chance to use amazing curriculum and products that we normally wouldn’t have the opportunity to use!


We received three paperback books for this review:

1) Starting a Micro Business which retails for $9.95 in paperback and $4.95 for an e-book.  This first book covers 7  chapters:

1.  What is a Micro Business?

2.  Getting an Idea: A Collection of Micro Business Ideas Best for Teenagers

3.  Problems and Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

4.  Plan It First: Writing a Business Plan

 5.  Financing Your Business Without Breaking the Bank

6.  Taking Care of Business: Extra Information to Get You Started

7.  Encouragement: Final Words to Motivate You


2) Running a Micro Business which also costs $9.95 for paperback and $4.95 for an e-book.  This second book covers 10 chapters:

1.  Sales

2.  Marketing

3.  Customer Service

4.  Record Keeping

5.  Bookkeeping Basics

6.  Using Software

 7.  Legal Names and Numbers

8.  Reducing Risk

10. Time Management


3) Microbusiness For Teens Workbook which is available for $14.95 in paperback and $9.95 for an e-book.

The workbook covers most of the above topics and helps the student to literally put their ideas “onto paper”  and begin to develop a business plan.





_____________________________________________________ was created by Carol Topp, a CPA whose daughters started their own micro businesses as teenagers.



The Micro Business for Teens books are easy to read and written directly to the student.  The program is ideal for students ages 10-18.

The first chapter of Starting a Micro Business explains the characteristics of a micro business which includes businesses that are simple and fast to start up, are usually home-based, usually consist of only one worker/owner, etc.

In chapter two, Carol shares an extensive list of ideas for micro businesses including services from babysitting and elder care/companionship to tutoring and web site development.  I like how Carol shares a wide variety of “realistic” jobs for teens.  Even if they aren’t interested in one of the jobs listed, it helps to spark different ideas!


“A single idea/the sudden flash of a thought/may be worth a million dollars.”    Robert Collier (author of self help books)  (many inspiration quotes are scattered throughout the book – LOVE!!!)

Later, Carol shares tips on how to avoid problems and pitfalls such as dealing with inventory if selling products, dealing with people in service businesses 🙂 , and potential problems with having a partner.

“Work smarter, not harder.”  Unknown

Also included in this helpful book are instructions on how to write a business plan including a business concept, marketing plan, and financial plan.  I also love that  Carol devotes a whole chapter on how to start a business without going into debt!

“He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing. ” Benjamin Franklin


Once the students have finished reading Starting A Micro Business, they continue right into Running a Micro Business, which goes into more detail about sales presentations, customer service, detailed record keeping, etc.

“Take care of your customers, or someone else will.”  Unkown


The Micro Business for Teens Workbook was a wonderful tool for making sure that Brendan was understanding the concepts taught.

Included in the activities are spreadsheets for the student to fill out, fill-in-the-blanks, brainstorming activities, designing business cards and fliers, and even information on bookkeeping and legal and insurance issues.




Check out Micro Business for Teens on these social media sites:



I would highly recommend the Micro Business for Teens program for young entrepreneurs who want to learn the “smart way” to start their business!

I feel like Brendan gained some very helpful knowledge that will benefit him no matter what type of business he ends up in.

3 thoughts on “Review: Micro Business For Teens

  1. Amy, I loved seeing how your son did the brainstorming exercise! And his business card was great. I liked how you gave him an example. When I taught Micro Business for Teens ay my homeschool co-op I brought in a stack of business cards and let the students critique them.

    Be sure to watch the public television program Starting a Micro Business. It features 6 students (all homeschooled!) and their parents discussing their micro businesses.

  2. Let me know when Brendan needs help spending his earnings!

    Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

  3. This is great! So proud of you, Brendan! Hope your business venture is successful!

    Love you,

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