Let the Games Begin :) !!!


Who would like to win

a FULL family registration

to the 2015 HEAV convention???

Here’s how to enter:

The giveaway will take place on Friday, February 20th and will be a random drawing.

Including today, I will have five blog posts leading up to the big day.  Each post will require a different comment/response so be sure to read carefully!

Here’s your first task:

Leave a comment on this post telling me your name and why you’d like to win.

That’s it!  We’ll start off with an easy one 🙂 !


Here are some pics from our fun morning at Jumpology (Brendan skipped this one to stay home and do schoolwork):

Have a GREAT weekend!!!!

Jumping For Joy!

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OK, so Jumpology was FUN 🙂 !!!  We were all sweating, laughing, and getting a great workout!  I was one of three moms who were brave goofy enough to jump with the kids – LOL!  We got lots of schoolwork done today also, but I just took fun pictures.  The boys and I took a nature walk when we got home and were looking for blooms and cocoons as part of Ryan’s science when we found a treasure!  We were able to scoop out a big “blob” of (what I hope are) frog eggs!  Our plan is to keep them in an aquarium and hopefully raise them before we release them back into the pond…perfect science lesson!  We did this a few years ago and it was amazing to watch them change and grow.   I did some research on the web and they appear to be wood frog eggs – we will see!  Thank you Father for keeping everybody safe during P.E.  and for the BEAUTIFUL day!

DON’T FORGET!!!!  Registration for HEAV’s 30th annual convention starts TOMORROW morning at 10:00 am!  HEAV members pay only $59 if you register in the first three days – what an AMAZING DEAL Do you want to be BLESSED, ENCOURAGED, REFRESHED, INFORMED, and TRANSFORMED?  Go to convention!!!  Click the picture at the bottom of the page to register:

Back to Reality :)

Well, Spring Break is officially over – we had tons of fun relaxing, being outside in the warm weather, and spending time with family and friends.  Brendan and Ryan were not very excited to start school this morning :), but they did fine!  We’re getting close to the end of the year and just need to hang in there and finish strong (I needed a little “pep talk” too)!

We have two new families to pray for this week – the Goerger’s and Grammy and Pappy (my parents).  We are still learning about Elisha and Naaman and working on the first part of our memory verse.  The Secret Garden is going great and we have a few more weeks to finish it before we begin our last read aloud for the year.  I decided to have a “review” lesson on prayer and we’ll be using the ACTS method:

A – adoration

C – confession

T – thanksgiving

S – supplication

I have several names of God that the boys read aloud to help them with the adoration aspect and then we go through the acronym as we pray.  It’s a great review for me too!

I also put some poetry in the boys’ workboxes in honor of National Poetry Month.  They’ll have a short poem to read each day and we may complete a few poetry activities later in the month.  Oh, guess where we’re going for P.E. tomorrow???  JUMPOLOGY 🙂 !!!  FUN!!!

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I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE…registration for HEAV’s 30th Annual Homeschool Convention opens this Wednesday at 10:00 am!!!  As a HEAV member, you and your whole family can attend for ONLY $59 if you register during the first three days.  You can click on the picture below to find out more information.  Don’t forget that the earlier you register, the earlier you get entrance to the used curriculum sale 🙂 !  I’ll have more information about the convention coming soon.  Please feel free to leave me any questions that you have about the convention in my comments section and I’ll be sure to help any way that I can.